Monday, November 2, 2009

Love/Hate relationships

Ok so now that all that is over with..... I am moving on. I really have a lot to do but not very much motivation to do it. Jason heard back from the border Patrol last week and they said it will probably be another several months until his Background clearance is done so not to hold our breath. I am LOVING that he will still be here for several months but I am HATING that we still have to wait for long. Other then that I have to get ready for a yard sale in two weeks(LOVE the money, HATE getting ready), clean my house (HATE) so I can decorate for Thanksgiving and then Christmas (LOVE), Work on my Christmas sewing projects (yes I said sewing), we have another craft fair coming up,(LOVE) and I decided that I am going to run a 5K with Amber and Allison in December. I DO NOT enjoy running (HATE) but I am doing it to support Amber (cuz I think she is amazing(LOVE)) and cuz I need to lose some weight and get fit (HATE). I do much better at exercising if I have something I am working towards so here I go! Running! other then that I am just grumpy today cuz I had to do the budget for the month (HATE) and there are lots of unplanned expenses this month that I have to figure out where they will come from. UGH! I have a love hate relationship with money (don't we all) SO there you go with all my loves and Hates today. I don't really like the word Hate but sometimes it is just fitting.

Well I LOVE you all and HATE that I don't hear from you more. I hope that with the holidays coming up we can all catch up and at least try to keep in touch. Now I am going to turn on some fun fast music and hope to get some things done around here.


  1. i LOVE you and your friendship! You are an amazing person! :)

  2. I LOVE that you and Allison are going to jog this with me, and I LOVE that you watch Sariah.
